“Today is my 89th birthday.
My name is Joseph, and I am sitting here, in a retirement home, with a plate of dumplings in front of me. I don’t know who made these for me, nor who will wish me a happy birthday today. I have three kids but haven’t seen them in a long time. They brought me here telling me it was for my own good, but time goes by, and the phone does not ring.
I am not angry, I am sad.
Sad because, deep in my heart, I never stopped loving them, despite their absence. Sad because I don’t ask for much: just a hug, a word, a “Happy Birthday, Dad. ”
I just wish somebody would remember me today.
If you’re reading this message, give me a thought. Not because you know me, but because even a stranger can bring some warmth where there is silence.
At my age, you live on memories and hope.
And today, my hope is that this message gets to the hearts of those who have forgotten to value affection, before it is too late. ”